Firstly, this course is English for International Trade (Eng-380). The content emphasizes the use of English skills written and spoken English through the global business communication such as presentation, negotiation, meeting, e-mail and etc. Besides, this course covers using English in the world wide in trading, management, business and marketing, this course also urges most students in studying English on the global business communication. The course yields a lot of advantages to us to live in the communication world. Technology in communication developed or changed rapidly, with this course, we can catch up with new choices of communication. In fact, I don’t have business background; I have to try harder to understand what are about business.
Secondly, I would like to tell you I never have knowledge about blog before. When I began to do my blog, I didn’t know what product or what brand to choose and I didn’t know how to design. Consequently, I had to try hard to know what was right or wrong that it took me much time in making the blog. Sometimes, I consulted with my friends because they are more tech-savvy than me. When I had a free time, I always did it by myself. While I did it, I thought “The attempt leads to success.” The moral makes me tolerate and keep fighting in making my blog. After I finished my blog, I think I get many advantages in doing it especially communication with my friends on my blog. I can also use my blog in presenting my work on the global business commutation in the future too.
Lastly, I would like to say happily “THANK YOU VERY MUCH” for my boss or my lovely teacher, Aj.Kob. I think that she is a good, kind, active and confident teacher. Moreover, she understands every student in studying and doing many activities. Importantly, I like her teaching strategy that encourages students and focus on students’ center. Aj. Kob motivated students to learn English by taking teaching aid such as videos and songs. As a result, every student pays attention and doing activities with his or her full effort. However, I more like studying in this course; I hope other teachers teach like the teacher of this course does. Specially, I feel fun, excited and happy with studying in this course. I think students will succeed in their studying or not depends partly on the teacher too.